Isla Sage | Home Birth | Fort Worth, Texas

  1. Kim Keeley says:

    Beautiful, Janie, absolutely beautiful!
    Love you!

  2. Mamaweve & Papaw Ken says:

    Even tho we couldn’t be there for the actual birth, these pictures made it feel as tho we were. Going thru them ever so slowly over & over was the next best dream of being there. Just think–you two and the Good Lord have created a whole new generation to come forward — what a gift! Keep the love you have now for each other and there will be nothing you can’t handle thru the many years to come with it, along with Gods blessings. What more could Grand Parents (GREAT) ask for??

  3. Wow this is absolutely perfect… ♥️

  4. Robbie Wedgeworth says:

    Awesome Job Sam. You did a beautiful job with these pictures.
    Love you girl
    Robbie W. 💗💐

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